Welcome to RURAL ROUTE ONE ~ ballpoint pen art

From My Heart
Welcome to my online home here at Rural Route One. Here you will have the opportunity to view images of some of my drawing work created using my Ball Point Pens and some traditional Pen & Ink work.
My life has been influenced over the years by many things. First is my fundamental belief in God and second my family and the rural up-bringing that I have had. These two basic values have guided me and given me a love for nature, history, and the country life style.
I have always loved to draw and paint but, in 1996, I decided that it was more than just a hobby for me. I was not happy with the occasional sketch or quick scribble. I began seriously considering the world around me and then working out the God given talent toward a perfecting of a personal style so that I could render the scenes that I so dearly love. It is that perfecting process that has guided me to where I am now. No, I have not arrived. Nor have I attained perfection. On the contrary, I believe my journey has merely served to push me on toward the mark. It has given me feelings of accomplishment and greatened my respect for God's creation.
I hope that you enjoy the images that you see here on my website and that you will tell others and return to see what has been added every so often. Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or merely want to comment on something on my site. Come follow me on this journey we call "Art" and remember to "Keep On Creating".